In this Internet Age, so much is made of the need for protecting our identity and personal information. Doing everything you can to ensure that you won't be a victim of identity theft. Today you even have the options of controlling who sees your information on social media sites...including Facebook.

But what about the kids? One of the main purposes of social sites is to be...well, social. To share what's been going on in your personal life with those people in your circle. And for many people, that involves kids. Your kids....your nieces and nephews....your best friend's kids...etc, etc, etc.
Our kids (or in my case grand-kids, great-nieces and nephews) have had no choice and no say in the matter. We are proud of their achievements and accomplishments. We're also quick to post the amusing mistakes and out-takes (uhhh...amusing to us anyway...I know one particular grandson that would tear out my windpipe if he knew I shared one of his embarrassing moments!)
Then we fast forward 5...10...15 years into the future. Those kids have grown up. Maybe have their own Facebook page now. And their entire lives are already on display for anyone clever enough to know where to look...and you don't have to be all that clever really.
It's a new world I know. A completely different set of rules for interacting with their friends and family...something every generation says the next generation is doing wrong! And in those same 5...10...15 years who knows what technological changes and software enhancements will take place. But with the way college recruitment and even careers can be impacted by social media these days, it's certainly worth having the conversation and thinking hard about what we put out their about our kids....for the world to see!