I've been watching Doctor Who for so long now that I can't remember when I first saw it. Starting back when it was still a relatively low budget, 1950's style sci-fi show. It was an odd match for my tastes even then...I've always leaned more towards the Star Wars style, but good acting and decent plots always trumped on-screen glitz (take a note George Lucas!)

However, it was never really a show that I was overly fanatical about (don't try to tell that to my brother-in-law though). That changed in 2005 with the latest incarnation of The Doctor with
Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper as Rose Tyler. From that point on I was drawn back into the world of Doctor Who and the show seemed to become better with every show...and with each new Doctor.
While I enjoyed Eccleston, the next Doctor, David Tennant, stepped it up another notch and continued to draw me into this 21st century version of Doctor Who. But the pinnacle of these latest versions of The Doctor has to be Matt Smith. From the very first episode it was obvious he brought a new dimension and a new chemistry to the show. It also brought with it a new audience.

Along with Amy (Karen Gillan), Rory (Arthur Darvill) and of course River Song (Alex Kingston) the show achieved that near perfect inter-relationship of characters and story that were mesmerizing to watch. It also brought together the pieces for that rare show which can be enjoyed by the whole family. My grandchildren (to my daughter's lasting chagrin) loved this new Doctor Who.
So what happened? The next Doctor (Peter Capaldi), while I find him more than capable and a great Doctor Who personally, apparently does not have the character appeal for the younger viewer of the Matt Smith Doctor. The show immediately had a darker feel than the previous shows. Two episodes in and my grandchildren were now done with Doctor Who (to my daughter's anti-chagrin).
So what's all this concern over the upcoming season? While I feel (once Danny disappeared...mind-boggling to me how that 'character' lasted as long as he did!) that the show's new darker setting was quite entertaining, there are several things I personally just cringe at every time they appear. Now I know these are central to the Doctor Who series and that purists will be burning me in effigy, or at least pointing some very angry sonics this way. But the three things that appear to be coming up next season that are most likely to have me switching channels are:
1) Daleks - Yes, I get it, they've been there from the beginning and I have no problem when these antiquated mobile cement mixers are an ancillary part of the story. But if I have to watch and listen to these things for any length of time....gone!
2) Cybermen - Again, same story as the Daleks. Ancillary...fine...but these are 1950's robots that are about as threatening as a blowup punching bag and I think we deserve better.
3) The Master - I mean...how many times are you going to kill this guy. I feel like I'm watching the worst-of-the-worst soap opera reincarnation specials. I realize he's a Time Lord...regenerations and all...but please, let him/her go. Mostly because I just despise the original character I suppose. But this one is likely to bring out to remote.
Hopefully I'm wrong...it has been known to happen, every few minutes or so. And certainly the return of River Song can't hurt. I truly have enjoyed Capaldi's Doctor and have even come to enjoy the character of Clara ( Jenna Coleman)...although that has admittedly been one that's had to grow on me a bit.
So while I go into this next season as open minded as possible, I can't help feeling that this new direction will be one I'm not going to enjoy...even with the prospect of an Alex Kingston Christmas. And I'm more concerned that this direction will lose the newest, future fans. But you never know. I never would have expected the 2005 resurrection in the first place...and that has been a great joy in the world of sci-fi TV!!
What are your favorite...or least favorite...Doctor Who characters?
I would love to hear what you think about the upcoming season!